Contact Us
To contact the Sisters Not Strangers Coalition please email
Below you will find the direct contact information for member organisations.
Member Organisations

The Women's Group Swansea
The Swansea Women's Group was set up to encourage wider social and civic engagement of members. Their focus is on multiple collaborations and network building.
Women With Hope
Based in the West Midlands, Women with Hope are a member-led charity whose focus is on improving the lives of women asylum-seekers, refugees and migrants through direct support, group activities and training.
DEWA Project
Based in Sheffield, DEWA supports women forced to flee their countries to rebuild their lives in their new country through skills and capacity building, training and partnership working.
Women for Refugee Women
Based in London, Women for Refugee Women support women who are seeking refuge from persecution to rebuild their lives and communicate their own needs and stories.
Refugee Women Connect
Based in Liverpool, Refugee Women Connect are a women's organisation working with service users, policy makers and the wider sector to support and facilitate refugee women's access to social justice.
Based in Coventry, CARAG are a grassroots, migrant-led organisation that believe that people affected by a problem are best placed to find the solutions. They focus their energy and effort on dismantling the UK immigration system's 'hostile' infrastructure and helping communities settle in the UK.
WAST Manchester
WAST Manchester share experiences, empower and support one another whilst fighting for their rights. They raise awareness about the issues that force women to seek international protection and the injustices experienced in the UK immigration system.